Eustace C. Mullins writes in "The World Order: Our Secret Rulers"
"The ADL began as B’Nai B’Rith … [Henry Lord] Palmerston formulated it as an arm of British Intelligence which had the specific mission of subverting and destroying the American Republic. This is still its mission today."
Never before has COVERT BRITISH INTELLIGENCE - which I call COVERT BRITISH CRIMINALITY - been so close to achieving it's goal of "subverting and destroying the American Republic".
And Americans are sleepwalking into their "smart prison" - thanks to Fetanyl, anti-depressants & deadly vaccinations - that have turned 54% of American kids chronically ill . . . !!!
It seems that British MI6 are behind the CIA, much as the Royal Institute of International Affairs (UK) is behind the Council on Foreign Relations (US). MI6 is everywhere, doing dirty work all over the world, including the recent terror attack on the Crimea bridge.
YES, there should be no doubt, that the KNOWN CRIMINALS stick together & are globally connected - as they have been identified & blown out of the water - as you have very well documented in your many excellent substack-articles.
But WHY doesn't anything of basic importance change?
I have left my family's brilliant connections in German academia & medicine - when my dad as an incorruptible surgeon committed suicide in 1963 - and me, being a 16-year old youngster realized, that his "colleagues" in German medicine, including my mother, colluded in LYING about his death, pretending it was a natural heart-failure.
My decision back then was to CLEAR up my mysteries around "depression" first - BEFORE I then would take up my studies in medicine - to fulfill the lifelong dreams of my mother . . .
Twelve years later - despite all my family-connections into German medicine - I still had NO clue whatsoever, what "depression" was all about, as ALL the "official" explanations did NOT correspond with the fate of my father at all!
Something smelled fishy . . . !
So I decided to expand my are of RESEARCH into all the other fields around "official" medicine, that were devalued not different than today's method's, to call out someone a "conspiracy-theorist" - just because he finds the TRUTH not were Universities & Media & Politics try to LEAD you - but in areas of WISDOM that are officially declared TABOO & are kept STATE-SECRETS.
So I needed a new profession to continue my SEARCH, that what today I would call a "medical detective" - and suddenly a 1001-hitherto closed doors opened almost magically - when I entered the realm of that forbidden land called the MENTAL . . . ?
Not the "official mental health", which is a total political FAKE science - as it is glued to a vicious cycle of "mental disorder" only - misused by the powers as a universal WEAPON to destroy its enemy's, when other WEAPONS fail . . . !
So I learned about real PSYCHOSIS, that type of MENTAL derangement that has befallen our western leaders today - when they have only ONE answer to pretend to "solve" our current western problems - and when that ONLY answer is a nuclear Armageddon!
Because REAL science on mental health & on PSYCHOPATHY is prohibited in the west - we are now ruled by a criminal gang of REAL Psychopath's & their REAL deeply rooted INSANITY in perfect CAMOUFLAGE - that is driving the entire civilization into World War III with full evil intention!
Already 2000 years ago, JESUS of NAZARETH told us - "by their fruits you shall know them" - but we keep ignoring the FRUITS, which are the only relevant FACTS, and we prefer being brainwashed by that "Hollywood-Style" artistically twisting of their WORDS, which are extremely carefully crafted LIES, to needle the entire planet into a nuclear hell . . . !
In Germany we teach our Kids: "Wer nicht hören will, der muß fühlen!"
("If you don't want to hear, you have to feel!")
So to me today it looks like - that we all will have to learn this final lesson for PEACE - the hard way!
Thanks Kalle. Something I found out only today from Dr. Lee Merritt, another great medical detective, is that Butterworths, at one time the largest publisher of medical and scientific journals, was owned by MI6. Can you believe it? So they could say anything they liked, including about virology, which is an entirely fraudulent discipline. Cheers
Thanks Olga. I really appreciate your support. Yes, my average 2,000 words is intended for those with time constraints who also want a substantial appreciation of the book. I also have time constraints, which means I am often late replying to comments, as you can see :) Cheers
Eustace C. Mullins writes in "The World Order: Our Secret Rulers"
"The ADL began as B’Nai B’Rith … [Henry Lord] Palmerston formulated it as an arm of British Intelligence which had the specific mission of subverting and destroying the American Republic. This is still its mission today."
Never before has COVERT BRITISH INTELLIGENCE - which I call COVERT BRITISH CRIMINALITY - been so close to achieving it's goal of "subverting and destroying the American Republic".
And Americans are sleepwalking into their "smart prison" - thanks to Fetanyl, anti-depressants & deadly vaccinations - that have turned 54% of American kids chronically ill . . . !!!
"The poisoned needle" ( by Eleanor McBean, 1957 )
Hi Kalle.
It seems that British MI6 are behind the CIA, much as the Royal Institute of International Affairs (UK) is behind the Council on Foreign Relations (US). MI6 is everywhere, doing dirty work all over the world, including the recent terror attack on the Crimea bridge.
THANKS Michael,
YES, there should be no doubt, that the KNOWN CRIMINALS stick together & are globally connected - as they have been identified & blown out of the water - as you have very well documented in your many excellent substack-articles.
But WHY doesn't anything of basic importance change?
I have left my family's brilliant connections in German academia & medicine - when my dad as an incorruptible surgeon committed suicide in 1963 - and me, being a 16-year old youngster realized, that his "colleagues" in German medicine, including my mother, colluded in LYING about his death, pretending it was a natural heart-failure.
My decision back then was to CLEAR up my mysteries around "depression" first - BEFORE I then would take up my studies in medicine - to fulfill the lifelong dreams of my mother . . .
Twelve years later - despite all my family-connections into German medicine - I still had NO clue whatsoever, what "depression" was all about, as ALL the "official" explanations did NOT correspond with the fate of my father at all!
Something smelled fishy . . . !
So I decided to expand my are of RESEARCH into all the other fields around "official" medicine, that were devalued not different than today's method's, to call out someone a "conspiracy-theorist" - just because he finds the TRUTH not were Universities & Media & Politics try to LEAD you - but in areas of WISDOM that are officially declared TABOO & are kept STATE-SECRETS.
So I needed a new profession to continue my SEARCH, that what today I would call a "medical detective" - and suddenly a 1001-hitherto closed doors opened almost magically - when I entered the realm of that forbidden land called the MENTAL . . . ?
Not the "official mental health", which is a total political FAKE science - as it is glued to a vicious cycle of "mental disorder" only - misused by the powers as a universal WEAPON to destroy its enemy's, when other WEAPONS fail . . . !
So I learned about real PSYCHOSIS, that type of MENTAL derangement that has befallen our western leaders today - when they have only ONE answer to pretend to "solve" our current western problems - and when that ONLY answer is a nuclear Armageddon!
And here you have the ignored view of the other side:
My conclusion:
Because REAL science on mental health & on PSYCHOPATHY is prohibited in the west - we are now ruled by a criminal gang of REAL Psychopath's & their REAL deeply rooted INSANITY in perfect CAMOUFLAGE - that is driving the entire civilization into World War III with full evil intention!
Already 2000 years ago, JESUS of NAZARETH told us - "by their fruits you shall know them" - but we keep ignoring the FRUITS, which are the only relevant FACTS, and we prefer being brainwashed by that "Hollywood-Style" artistically twisting of their WORDS, which are extremely carefully crafted LIES, to needle the entire planet into a nuclear hell . . . !
In Germany we teach our Kids: "Wer nicht hören will, der muß fühlen!"
("If you don't want to hear, you have to feel!")
So to me today it looks like - that we all will have to learn this final lesson for PEACE - the hard way!
Thanks Kalle. Something I found out only today from Dr. Lee Merritt, another great medical detective, is that Butterworths, at one time the largest publisher of medical and scientific journals, was owned by MI6. Can you believe it? So they could say anything they liked, including about virology, which is an entirely fraudulent discipline. Cheers
For those of us with time constraints, your summaries are pure gold!
Thanks Michael : )
Thanks Olga. I really appreciate your support. Yes, my average 2,000 words is intended for those with time constraints who also want a substantial appreciation of the book. I also have time constraints, which means I am often late replying to comments, as you can see :) Cheers